GrowthZone Template #GROWTHZONE_HEADING#
Being a member-centric organization, we depend on our members to actively participate in committees, working groups, and task forces, contributing to our decision-making process and the realization of our strategic plan. The valuable input from our volunteer members not only shapes our decision-making but also enables us to be a resilient organization capable of embracing and adapting to the dynamic real estate industry.
Learn more about our committees and councils before submitting a request to join, by clicking on the name of the committee or council below.
Committees are groups of volunteers that serve the members of GACAR by working to improve the programs, products, and services offered to members.
Councils are groups of members who meet to network, share ideas, best practices, and information about a niche they have in common.
Committee & Council Request
Important Information
Every effort will be made to place you on the committee of your choice, but keep in mind that our Bylaws and/or policies may restrict or limit appointments. Also, some committees have a questionnaire specific to their committee that needs to be completed prior to your appointment. If you choose a committee that has this requirement, the questionnaire will be sent to you after receipt of your completed form below.
Once assignments have been made, we will confirm assignments with everyone who made requests.